Thank you to all those who attended this morning’s service and to Christine who, together with the choir, volunteers from the congregation and our wonderful visiting organist, Kathleen, led us in celebrating the story of Jesus stilling the storm and explaining how He can help us negotiate challenges in our own lives.  Use this link if you want to hear the song again!

It was particularly special to welcome back Claire Owen (nee Foster), with her husband Jamie and their two children.   Claire and her family have done so much for St Martin’s in the past.  Her father, Tim, was headteacher at St Martin's School and an active member of the church fabric team, having set up the audio system with Charles Vaslet and made the wooden cross and candlesticks for the altar, amongst many other projects.   Her mother, Sue, was Churchwarden and Claire produced the Common Worship communion service sheets.  Claire and Jamie were married in the church ten years ago and now live in London.  Thank you for coming to see us again!