We are now more than half way through Advent, the season of preparation which begins four Sundays before Christmas and leads up to Christmas Day. As Canon Christine pointed out in her most recent message in Spectrum, Advent is not so much about the coming of Christmas Day but the coming of Christ. Advent is about the waiting, the expectation, the promise and hope that we have in Christ that all will be made new, that His light shines in the darkness and that the world can be a better place; for God is with us..

Thank you to Bishop David who preached to us at St Thomas's Church on Advent Sunday, setting us off on our journey of waiting, hope and expectation. Christine also announced to us that Rev Professor Christopher Hancock has been offered and has accepted the post of Associate Priest, working on a part time basis, in the Benefice. Although the appointment is subject to statutory checks before it can be made formal, this is wonderful news and we hope that Chris and his wife Suzie will be moving into the Clergy House in Highclere in the Spring so that Chris can start work.

Thank you to those who were part of the work party on 3 Dec tidying the inside and outside of the church in preparation for our Christmas services. Full details are on the leaflet, starting our Carol Service this coming Sunday and then our special Midnight Mass service at 1130pm on Christmas Eve. Please join us!