Thank you to everyone who attended our Easter Sunday service and also the preceding Holy Week services. Special thanks to Revd Chris for leading our Good Friday service and then the celebratory communion on Sunday, and to Suki who led the two Compline services earlier in the week.

Suki also led the St Martin’s School Easter service which I was lucky enough to attend. This was a wonderful combination of songs, prayers and readings, telling the story of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, the Last Supper, Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion and His glorious resurrection. At various points in the service the children placed items on and around the wooden cross at the front of the chancel.

The entire service was very well delivered. The standard of singing, particularly by the choir, was especially impressive. Thank you and well done!

Many of you will be aware that Revd Chris and his wife Suzie are leaving the Benefice at the end of May. This was announced by the Churchwardens last week by email, which also provides assurance about the arrangements during the remainder of the interregnum.

Thank you to Chris and Suzie for all they have done for us during the past year. We shall miss them both but wish them every success and happiness.